A solution to Corruption? - Social Enterprise #2

A solution to Corruption? - Social Enterprise 

The Social Enterprise model differs from a traditional charity model, as the recipients are paying a fair price for the good or service. As long as the customers continue to purchase the good, there is proof that the product is needed.

The main benefit of this model compared to charity, is the sustainability and long-term impact. Charity donations are largely affected by the current economic conditions in the donor country, and as such, donation levels can vary drastically. In periods of strong economic prosperity, charities receive large donations that can be distributed to the developing nations in need. The problem arises when these funds are reduced. The services and goods that were being relied upon stop arriving from the charities and as a result, many individuals and families are placed in a precariously isolated situation.

From a broad perspective, and from the arguments above, my team and I truly believe that Social Enterprise was the answer in Malawi, among other struggling nations. It completely bypasses all traditional routes for corruption, and with time, an array of individual social enterprise entities can be established from the research and findings that we spent several weeks creating. 


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